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I will leave you some links to a project that drew my attention since the first day it showed up on Kickstarter: Daedalus, this really is what Hard Sci-Fi means.

The Elite:Dangerous Hispanic community has lost its head!
Stormseeker, the funniest spanish youtuber flying Elite: Dangerous and Elitecast 2.0, an amazing podcast in Spanish about Elite: Dangerous will be giving away hardware and games as prizes in some events this holidays!

In the workshop, injecting the first cases
Here I have some pictures of the production. You can see the pieces in their molds before extracting them, and one of the employers giving the finishing touches to one of the pieces.

My youtubers selection about Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous
I thought I’d make a compilation of the best “Star Citizen” and “Elite: Dangerous” youtubers, that I have found browsing around youtube. Check them out!

The first 3D printed enclosure is here!
I honestly cannot believe this is happening, more than two years after making my first box with buttons, finally I get my first model of what was formerly just a dream.

Current project status
Currently I am looking for new alternatives to make the prototypes for my testers, and also to be able to provide you with new graphic material so you can see the b-lethal in action.

This is what we do with your ideas!
Here’s solid proof that your opinion counts. This is just one of the many ideas you have proposed and I have decided to implement the idea after seeing that the community received the idea so well.

Who is BlackHog?
I would like to thank all of your collaboration and support. I have received many congratulations for the presentation of my project, and also proposals and ideas that will help us to bring it to life.

Black Hog sponsors your tournament
As game controller developers, at Black Hog we offer you the possibility to sponsor your space simulation tournaments.

We recruited members of SPAWARS to test B-Lethal
Eight members of the SPAWARS crew have been recruited to put the first fully-functional models of the B-Lethal control panel to the test.

First models ordered for testers
The date is approaching when we will be able to enjoy the first fully-functional examples of the B-Lethal control panel.