Microsoft Flight Simulator launch date Hi Guys, August 18 is the chosen date for Microsoft Flight Simulator! Before that, on July 30 closed Beta will help the hype for sure. Pre-order is already open, from 60 bucks up to 120, depending on how many airports and planes...
Store update – Kneeboards Hi Guys, We present you our latest addition to the store: Kneeboards. Do you struggle keeping taps of the flight plan and charts? Is your setup so cluttered, that you don’t know where to put your tablet? They will be perfect for...
Communication improvements Hey guys, Many of you have been requesting for increased social media activity and updates in general. We were so focused in production, that we needed your feedback to realize it was time to go back online. We believe in a true quality...
BlackHog News – June 2020 Hey guys, Time to bring you up to speed. This is being a crazy year for many reasons, definitely not the best time to start a small business. Since the conception of this passion project, the creation of the company itself, and the...
SATAL 2020 is here! Another year, another SATAL competition! DCS World Events, in conjunction with Eagle Dynamics, are launching SATAL 2020 – Squadron Air to Air League! SATAL brings the intense action of the 2-3 week SATAC championship, to be enjoyed in a well...