Project Update – September 2019
Hello guys,
Time for a new update!
Another batch packed, loaded and on it’s way to their pilots.
Every time I see a van filled with our devices (yours now!), feels really awesome. 🙂

We keep working every day at 200% to keep them coming!
Web-shop update
As promised, Stickers and Plexi covers are hitting the web-shop!
Not only that, you will see that we are getting the shop up to date so you can include things like the USB cable, the pivot joint, extra screws, tools…
This way you will be able to customize your orders as you prefer including the elements that best fits your sim-pit.
Smartphone holder and Cup holder
The Smartphone holder, specially designed for the b-explorer, is now also available for standard orders. -> More details on our online shop <-
We know, flying around all day is an exhausting job, so what better than having your cold drink resting comfortably in your cup holder? Already in store, just in time.
Ready to use in your Monstertech mount. -> More details on our online shop <-
The news are not stopping here. For those of you that have requested us BlackHog themed clothing and accessories… we are finally opening the Merchstore!
You will find not only the logo, but also designs we are bringing specially for this occasion.

The selection of items and designs will vary depending on your preferences, so make sure to tell us what are your favorites or what would you like to see.
DCS Supercarrier

Last time I talked about ED Fleet Carriers, this time around is all about DCS with Supercarriers.
By their own words “the most accurate and detailed carrier model ever created for a flight simulation“, including unique skins for all ships of the Roosevelt sub-class..
They are also working on a lot of things like up to 18 spawning locations on the carrier deck, flood lights, barricade net, among others.
It’s looking pretty sweet!
MS Flight Simulator: Insider Program
Anyone in the mood to help MS with their upcoming Flight Simulator? For pilots interested in providing feedback, access to private forums, answer surveys… Also the chance to participate in preview builds! -> https://www.flightsimulator.com/insider-program-sign-up/
They recently talked about the 3 phases they are working on now, and also revealed the Development Roadmap:
September 12th will be the date for both: the Tech Alpha sign-up and also for the next update. So mark that calendar if you are interested.
Kerbal Space Program 2
So wow… Wow…WOW!!!
We are big fans of Kerbal Space Program here at BlackHog, I’m still in shock with the announcement, had to check 3 times it was not April fools or similar.
At Gamescom Opening Night Live, we had an amazing surprise announcement: Kerbal Space Program 2 is coming next year!!!!
The big points seems to be: interstellar travel, multiplayer and colony creation.
I can’t wait to see what are they capable to do. Improved KSP with your friends and interstellar travel? Sign me in!.
And that’s it for now.
Thank you as always for your support, and keep sending suggestions!
Moisés Gago
For more information, stay tuned on Twitter @BlackHog_BH or facebook @blackhogcontrollers !